
free write
genesis systems making worldmaking

We formulated from emergency structures as response systems. Our genesis was not exactly a blank slate, but close to it. As things started to rupture the earth arena - volcanoes where there were clashing plates, tsunamis where there was low land and high waters, tornadoes on the flat terrain where the opposing air drifts met - the brackets between us came down because the ones with the most knew the least how to get by. resourcefulness someone calls it. we adapted together as things do in extreme scenarios and in regular exchanges in spaces we ended up co-habiting. each of us contributed in some way. comic relief, technical-know-how, physical vigor, quiet-spirit, leadership pizazz, making-things-happen. these contributions changed when we shifted in our coalitions, attractions, moods, illnesses, ages, minds, and directions. we exchanged through sounds and touch, tactility in proximity of minds and body. this made it helpful when we started to make lines with others. none of us were scared about it because we were focused on setting up our own patterns and that was enough for our capacity and interest. we got our rhythms as well with them through the lines and it was reassuring to have them there. to hear their forgeries and weirdnesses, how they figured out to survive cellular dehydration, freezing bodies and wires and tubes without ending, how to grow scales with the roaches and patterns of rest. we all seemed to align in certain ways, like rest modes in contraptions of weightlessness-completeness. coalitions and resources and patterns of moving hours and the seasons that came about were oddities of intrigue or less relevance if just boring to us too. either way, we shared our echoes without inheritance as we moved forward in pace.🝏