today and nothing

personal thoughts
soylent love postproduction preproduction

today i achieved nothing but made some nice things with food and spent a gross amount of time on social media but not being active really because of insecurity (i think?).

drinking wine now post surprisingly excellent meal and 4 squares of alby brand thin dark choco w salts and listening to nostalgic jazz and despite doing absolutely nothing, or nothing being the avoidance yet aim of doing something that i actually want to do that would make me feel good, i am going to venture into the deep cold to see soylent green. I am excited in particular because i have made the idea yet not developed or shared beyond/co-with André (ex lover still loved) the ad campaign pitch for soylent soylent, the meal-beverage, and the cognitive capital amazon turk company from (MIT?) for in-microsoft word real time editors. information - sustanence = both name derivatives from dystopian futures film (although I haven't seen it yet, making this assumption).

signing off in the hopes that i will be only a little late rather than a whole lot.
with love,